Book Designer Karolina Wudniak

Let me help you design your book so it can fly high!

Which part of your manuscript needs design? 

Book Cover

Book Cover

Book Interior

Book Interior

Or maybe you want to level up your existing book design?

Book Cover Design Divine Encounters

quotation mark The whole book is beautiful. Karolina captured the vibe of it all!

“Karolina designed the cover and interior layout of my very first book, and it exceeded my expectations! The whole book is beautiful, and she captured the vibe of it all. The entire process, from first contact to final product, flowed smoothly and easily. She asks lots of questions, takes feedback and runs with it. She is well-versed in all the formats and requirements for self-publishing platforms. It was a fun process. She has a friendly personality and is easy to work with.”

Melissa Giomi | author of “Divine Encounters” and “Divine Appointments”

Mockup of custom book cover design on a green background
Karolina Wudniak Book Designer

Hi, I’m Karolina

I use every trick in the metaphorical book to help bring your actual book to life and give it wings! Books and writing were always a big part of my life. The design came much later. Do you want to know how? Read on here!